K.E.Rolfe Funeral Directors
Independent Family Funeral Directors

Price of a Funeral
All Funeral Directors are legally required to publish their price list for a standard funeral service to take place. This is to help you think through the options available to you and make choices , and let you compare prices between different funeral directors.
Attended Funeral
(Funeral Directors charges only)
Unattended Funeral
( inc cremation fee)
Additional funeral director products offered.
Crematoria Fees
The information gives the prices at the local crematorium for an adult aged 18 years +
*Taking care of al necessary legal and administrative arrangements £750.00
* Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (normally within 20 miles of the funeral directors premises) into the funeral directors care
*Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities and visiting the chapel of rest if required. (The deceased person will be kept at the premises on Dartford Road.)
* Provide a suitable coffin made from light oak wood-effect veneer
*At a date and time you agree with the funeral director, taking the deceased person to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral directors premises) in a hearse
We offer a direct cremation service in line with fair funeral pricing in the United Kingdom. This is a restricted service but facilitates a funeral for £1420.00 all inclusive. Further details are available on request.
* Funeral Celebrant (e.g minister of religion, civil celebrant, humanist celebrant - prices on request
* Funeral service stationery - Price on request
* Floral tributes - Price on request
* Newspaper notice - Price on request
* Alternative vehicle - Price on request
* Standard Fee Attended Service from - £1220.00
* Unattended service - £550.00
* Reduced service (9.30am only) - £835.00
All the above are fees for Fenland Crematorium, an alternative crematorium may be arranged if required.
The funeral director can give you a full list of products and services they can offer and supply. These items are likely to be charged for but you are able to make your own arrangements or use different suppliers.