Chosing the right person to take a funeral service depends on the type of person you are. If you have religious beliefs and are associated with certain religion or you have no beliefs and would like that to be carried out during your funeral service.
It is now a tradition when arranging a service the families request different minsters or celebrants to take the service depending on the individual.
I am now finding the demand for #cremation is higher than #burial which means families are having a different kind of #funeralservice. The service's are becoming more personal with poems being read by the families them selves and music in place of hymns being listened to. Families are also taking the #funeralservice themselves but being guided by the #funeraldirectors with time restrictions especially if the service is taking place within a crematorium
An option which is becoming more popular is using a #civilcelebrant to take the service. A #civilcelebrant offers the opportunity for the service to be very personal to the deceased. If the family wish to sing a hymn and have the Lords Prayer prayer read the #celebrant will allow this but they do not carry out a full religious service. If the service contains readings, poems or tributes the #celebrant will read these on behalf of the family or allow the family to read them themselves.
If the loved one you have lost has no beliefs and a non religious service is required a #humanistclebrant would be arranged by the #funeraldirector
A #humanist celebrant would not allow any type of religious content within the service but would read poems and tributes about the person you have lost and would encourage you to choose music to represent your loved one encouraging you to spend time during the service to reflect on the memories you have of the person you have lost.
If you or the person who has passed away has a religion they follow the #funeraldirector will arrange for a suitable officiant to carry out the #funeralservice accordingly.
For more information on there above please contact K.E.Rolfe Independent Family Funeral Directors on 01354 651499 24/7 or email